Matthew Wilkes

Long term contributor, not afraid of cat herding.

Seconded by: Elizabeth Leddy, Alan Hoey, Steve McMahon, Érico Andrei, Jon Stahl, David Glick

If you haven’t seen it yet, please read through the statement at Plone’s Next Decade: The Plone Foundation Board. That statement is a joint drafting of the opinions of many people over the course of a few years and, if elected, I will try my best to make it a reality.

Plone has been growing in terms of participants and the role of the Foundation needs to evolve to better support a large base of volunteers who don’t know how to get started; at the moment it is just trying to keep out of everyone’s way. Helping new contributors develop the skills to become the future leaders of the community is the most important thing the Foundation can do.

As well as participating in various aspects of Zope and Plone development I’ve been involved in the organisation side of things for many years. I ran our participation in Google Summer of Code and the Google Highly Open Participation Contest for many years, and have handled our interaction with other communities and researchers as part of my duties on the Security Team.

It’s my belief that I can do the most good for the foundation this year by serving on the board, and working to put the structures in place to let us continue to grow over the next few years; I hope you agree with me on these priorities and that you’ll vote for me and the others supporting these goals.