Matt Hamilton

Plone consultant and integrator. Plone and OSS evangelist. Plone Conference 2010 Organiser. Director of Netsight, UK. Plone Foundation President 2011.

Matt Hamilton

Who Am I?

I am the director of Netsight, a 13-person web development firm in the UK who specialise in Plone deployments, customisation and integration. I have been involved in Plone since 2003 and Zope since 2000. I served on the inaugural board of the Plone Foundation in 2004 and the past four years. Last year I was the president of the Plone Foundation. Over the years I have been involved in various aspects of Plone, both as a developer and bug fixer (although I do more integration work now).

I have been very active in marketing Plone and trying to introduce Plone into areas where Open Source traditionally has had trouble getting to.

Things I have been involved in:

Why am I Interested?

I want to continue with the work I have been doing promoting Plone to audiences beyond the current developers and users. As someone who runs a company doing Plone integration for a wide variety of companies and organisations, I have direct experience with what made them choose Plone, why they like it and what we can do to improve it.

I want to get Plone mentioned in more reports by the big consulting companies, and in front of CMS analysts that usually are recommending big budget commercial CMSs for jobs that Plone could be best suited for. I have been liaising with the likes of Real Story Group to keep them up to date with developments in the Plone world.

Plone is technically superior to many systems out there in the same market, yet it needs a louder and more coherent public voice. Over the past few years, views towards Open Source have been changing in both public and private sector organisations at the highest levels and I am committed to continuing Plone's rapid growth into these sectors as they open up further.

I also want to try and get better cohesion between various other python web frameworks and do outreach from the Plone community to the Pyramid, Django and Python communities.

What I can add to the Plone Foundation?

I can add the experience of someone who has been working with Plone since the beginning, who knows the history of the project and the people involved at the various levels getting things done.

I have a good overview of the various parts of Plone, but try not to get too deep in any one of them in order to maintain a good overall perspective of Plone from both the inside view and also the view from outside the project.

Having been involved in the successful introduction and deployment of Plone in a number of large organisations, I have experience of not just the technical issues, but also the business and cultural issues that organisations face when procuring a major CMS.

I have maintained a good track record of keeping my commitment to the Plone Foundation board over the past year, missing only a handful of board meetings... mainly due to travelling to/from Plone community engagements!


Names of Plone Foundation Members Who Second My Nomination

Érico Andrei, Carol Ganz