Érico Andrei

Brazilian Plone Evangelist, co-founder of Simples Consultoria and two time organizer of Plone Symposium South America (2009 and 2011) and current board member.

Erico Andrei

Why am I Interested?

I've been promoting Plone in the Brazilian market for the past 8 years and during that time I gave talks, training classes, wrote code, translated documentation, organized events and also deployed Plone solutions ranging from short-lived blogs to very successful news portals. Even after one year serving the Foundation Board I think I still have much to offer to the Foundation and to the Plone Community.

Proposed goals for my next term

Please take a look at Plone’s Next Decade: The Plone Foundation Board for a list of proposals that I endorse and would like to work on if elected to the Board.

What I can add to the Plone Foundation

  • Continued dedication to the Board
  • 16 years of IT marketing -- and evangelism.
  • Experience in developing a local Plone community, where most of our members speak only our own language
  • Knowledge about cultural aspects of selling Plone on different vertical markets -- from government to media corporations
  • An ability to communicate ideas to different audiences and bring people together to achieve common goals

2012 Plone Report

Served as board member for the 2011-2012 term and one of my goals was to "Create a formal channel between large Plone users in our local market and the Plone Foundation". This was achieved through formal talks given at:

  • Interlegis (January): ~500 Plone sites
  • Presidência da República (August) -- ~50 Plone sites
  • SERPRO (August) -- ~500 Plone sites

And also by empowering our local PloneGov community (PloneGov.Br), which was responsible for:

  • World Plone Day Brasilia: With over 100 attendees, 4 training sessions and live streaming (http://colab.interlegis.leg.br/wiki/WorldPloneDay).
  • Plone Symposium South America: 243 attendees, 6 training sessions (http://plone.org/events/regional/pssa/2012/)
  • Caipirinha Sprint: 18 contributor agreements, 6 new committers, bug fixes in plone.app.collection, plone.api, PloneIDE and translation of buildout.coredev and plone.api.
  • Releasing Brazilian Government Plone packages to the community.

During this year I was invited/selected to give talks about Plone in technical conferences:

  • EuroPython (Firenze, Italy)
  • FISL 13 (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
  • Plone Symposium South America 2012 (Brasilia, Brazil)
  • PyConVe (Caracas, Venezuela)
  • PyConAr 4 (Quilmes, Argentina)
  • PythonBrasil[8] (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • RUPY Brasil (São José dos Campos, Brazil)
  • CONSEGI (Belém do Pará, Brazil)

Other Plone activities:

  • Attended PyConUS (March)
  • Hosted Cafecito Sprint (June)
  • Became maintainer of the OSX Plone Installer (July)

2004 - 2011 Plone Report

Over the years I've been very active in the Brazilian Python and Plone communities:

  • Co-founder of Associação Python Brasil
  • Maintainer and Editor of TcheZope (Brazilian Zope Community) during 2007
  • Plone Speaker at tech conferences:
    • PyConBrasil [2], [3] and PythonBrasil [6]
    • Jornadas de Software Libre 2007 (Argentina)
    • FISL 5, 6, 12 and 13
    • CONSEGI 2011
    • Solisc 2011
    • PyConAr 3
    • Latinoware 2008
    • Plone Conf 2010, 2011
  • Organized World Plone Day São Paulo in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012
  • Organized the first and third Plone Symposium South America (2009,  2011)
  • Maintainer / Developer (sc.social.bookmarks, sc.social.like, sc.contentrules.*, Products.ATGoogleVideo)
  • Translator (Plone, PloneFormGen, PloneBooking)
  • Foundation member since 2010
  • Presented the runner-up proposal for the Plone Conference 2011

Prior to my entrepreneurship journey with Simples Consultoria I’ve worked at Grupo Abril, second largest media company in the country, and at Microsoft Brasil, as marketing evangelist.

Names of the Plone Foundation who second my nomination

  • Alan Hoey
  • David Glick
  • Elizabeth Leddy
  • Jon Stahl
  • Matthew Wilkes
  • Maurizio Delmonte
  • Steve McMahon
  • Sjoerd van Elferen