Elizabeth Leddy

Free cookies!

Seconded by: Érico Andrei, David Glick, Alan Hoey, Steve McMahon, John Stahl, Matthew Wilkes.

My name is Elizabeth Leddy — otherwise known as eleddy, “Eric, right?”, and occasionally “that python b*tch”. As an independent consultant, I have worked in several different industries including defense, education, medicine and elite athletics. Historically a developer that abused Plone in every which way possible, I recently dove head first into project management and developed a burning passion to fix the developer story in Plone.

I currently serve on the Plone 4.x Framework Team and the QA team, and hosted the 2011 Plone Conference in San Francisco. I run and participate in sprints several times a year. In my copious free time, I run the San Francisco Plone Meetup and teach Python web development at the local hacker space. I gave keynote addresses at this year’s Plone Konferenz in München and Plone Symposium South America in Brasília.

My interests in being on the board are simple: I’m tired of complaining and I’m ready to make real change in the way the community handles high level issues. I’m a type A, goal-oriented, transparency zealot and I can’t wait to bring those afflictions to the board processes. The foundation, with the support of active and engaged members, can and should play a bigger role in growing the community over the next 10 years.

If elected to the board, I will step down in several of my team positions within the community to focus my time and energy on making our foundation the envy of other open source projects. Don’t worry: I am not abandoning my positions in many teams. The community is filled with dozens of capable people who have already volunteered to step up.

Please take a look at

Plone’s Next Decade: The Plone Foundation Board

for a list of proposals that I endorse and would like to work on if elected to the Board.