Agenda, Plone Foundation Board Meeting 2011-07-25
Old business
- Windows installer change
New business
- Certification of Reconsideration Vote
Certification of an email vote to reconsider a vote taken by the board
on July 14th granting Enfold a exclusive permission to include
non-open-source software in an Enfold-branded Plone installer for
Windows to be linked to storage other that the Plone Foundation's.
- Text of the Motion Which was reconsidered:
Steve McMahon moved that we tell the release manager and Enfold that
it's OK to link to a Windows installer that may include non-open
source components so long as it's marked as provide by the vendor and
provided on storage other than the Plone Foundation's.
- Motion to Reconsider approved by email vote - 6 votes in favor, none opposed, one not vote received:
Mark Corum moved that "I move "we rescind our July 14th action that
would have allowed for the release manager to provide a link to an
externally sourced Windows installer.