Agenda, January 8, 2009
- Approve minutes
Quick Updates
(5 minutes each) hosting (Geir, Jon)
Membership committee reboot update (Darci)
This can be a "full discussion item" if needed sponsorship update (Jon)
Discuss adminstrative aspects of whether to allow installment payments
Renewing Chilean plone domain (Jon)
Motion to appoint Hanno as Plone 4 Release Manager (Jon)
Per recommendation from the Framework Team.
Follow up on Version Support Policy (Steve)
New business
Discuss naming Xavier as "Plone Foundation representative" to EU processes, per his emails to us (10 minutes)
Discuss timing of a second US Symposium vs. Conference (10 minutes)
Discuss possible LGPL relicensing of plone.* libraries to encourage reuse by other Python communities (15 minutes)
(We'll defer this if we run out of time)