Agenda, April 17, 2008
- Finalize and approve proposed agenda
- Review, approve and publish 4/3/2008 meeting minutes
- Review, approve and publish 4/10/2008 meeting minutes
Officer reports (President, Secretary, Treasurer)
Committee reports (below)
Old business (below)
New business (below)
- Next scheduled meeting: May 1, 2008.
Committee, Project Committee, and Work Group Reports
Membership Committee (Darci)
- Action Items:
- Review membership application queue
- Report: status on membership approval process
Trademark / IP Committee (Geir)
- Report: status on potential trademark infringement from a commercial software company (legal advice on our options)
- Currently two possible infringements
- General status report
Marketing Committee
- Brand audit update
- Site re-design update (Alex)
- General status update ( design? job board?)
By-laws Work Group (Joel)
- Status update
Content Policy Work Group (Steve)
- Status: CC licensing implementation with input from IP committee
Old Business
Plone Conference 2008 Planning
- Follow-up on conference date conflict
Sponsorship Plan for (Jon)
- Review updated plan
Sprint Kit section on (Joel)
- Status update
New Business
- None