Agenda, Nov 8, 2007
- Finalize and approve proposed agenda
- Approve and publish 10/25/2007 meeting minutes
Officer reports
Committee reports (below)
Old business (below)
New business (below)
- Review all new action items (who does what by when)
- Next meeting date (originally scheduled for 11/22, a holiday in the US)
Committee Reports
Membership Committee (Geir)
- Current list of applicants that need to be processed
- Membership Recommendations
Trademark / IP Committee (Geir)
- What are the outstanding tasks (China)?
- What funding is needed?
Marketing Committee
Old Business
- (Joel) By-laws work team progress
- (Toby) Approve Plone trademark transfer invoice (see 11/5 email)
- (Toby) Approve transfer of donation from the Soros Foundation to Abstract Open Systems (for Plone Conference 2007)
New Business
- (Jon) Re-affirm Plone Foundation Mission
- (Nate, Limi) Plone Foundation working with Zope Foundation / Zope 2 with Python 2.5 goal
- (Jon) Discussion on Sponsorship Plan for (see 11/2 email)
- (Nate) Should the Plone Foundation hire a group to conduct a brand audit? What ever became of the pro-bono branding/marketing work that Porter Novelli was offering the foundation? Does the offer still stand?