Agenda, Nov 29, 2007
- Finalize and approve proposed agenda
- Approve and publish 11/8/2007 meeting minutes
Officer reports (President, Secretary, Treasure (see October Financial emails))
- General committee and project committee business (below)
Committee reports (below)
Old business (below)
New business (below)
- Review all new action items (who does what by when)
- Next scheduled meeting: Dec 13, 2007.
General Committee and Project Committee Business
- Discuss/approve proposed Committee, Project Committee, and membership by-laws changes (Steve)
- Discuss/approve proposal to dissolve existing committees and reinstate under approved by-laws changes (Darci)
Committee, Project Committee, and Work Group Reports
Membership Committee
- Proposal to approve the following as committee members:
- Geir Bækholt, Godefroid Chapelle, Hanno Schlichting, Chris Calloway, Tom "Spanky" Kapanka, Dorneles Treméa, Darci Hanning
- Proposal that Geir Bækholt chair the membership committee; otherwise nominate/select chair?
- [Done: Current list of applicants that need to be processed (received, see 11/20 email from Geir)]
- Proposal to accept (previous) Membership Committee's recommendations on outstanding applications (see 11/20 email from Geir)
- Eight applicants recommended for approval
- Two applicants not recommended for approval
- Process outstanding emeritus membership reinstatement requests and set procedure for future requests.
- Assign someone to update
- Report: status on membership approval process (Geir and Darci)
Trademark / IP Committee
- Proposal to approve the following as committee members:
- Nominations for and selection of chair
- Report: status on potential trademark infringement from a commercial software company (legal advice on our options).
- Assign someone to combine and update: and
Marketing Committee
- Is there a board member willing to take this on? Or shall it be shelved indefinitely? Or ?
By-laws Work Group (Joel)
- Status update
Old Business
Re-affirm Plone Foundation Mission (Jon)
- ( updated with this? -Darci)
Update on Zope 2 on Python 2.5 (Geir/Nate)
- Communication to Martijn?
- Discuss the state of the bounty program proposal and how it might be adapted to this project
Discussion on Sponsorship Plan for (Jon)
- Discuss current draft submitted by Jon (see 11/21 email)
New Business
Release Manager Payment
- Approve final payment to Release Manager for Plone 3.0 release
Brand Audit Project (Nate)
- Should the Plone Foundation hire a group to conduct a brand audit? What ever became of the pro-bono branding/marketing work that Porter Novelli was offering the foundation? Does the offer still stand?