Agenda, Oct 27 2005
Meeting time:
08:00 AM Pacific timeAgenda Items 1) Approve and publish previous minutes from Sept 29. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Officer Reports President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Fundraising Ad hoc group: Funding Press Releases Ad hoc group: Identify needed leadership roles for Fdn Old Business 1) (Alan) Identify who is needed for signing contrib agreements and start getting people to sign. 2) (Joel) Announce fundraising committee and Munwar [done; mailing list created; invitation sent to community.] 3) (Paul) Give a specific action report on 4) (Munwar) Send document to board about board insurance [done; selection delegated to Mark.] 5) (Mark) OSX installer today or tomorrow [done; 2.1.1 released.] 6) (Joel) Send out thank-yous for press release and remove the PayPal link [done; emails sent out, thank you page updated.] 7) (Munwar and Paul) Draft a policy for funding international press releases. 8) (Alan and Munwar) Talk about Breakaway Communications [done; nothing valuable to discuss.] New Business 1) Marketing committee scope and chair (Paul) 2) Fundraising proposal (Alan) 3) 2.2 Release (Joel)