Agenda, Oct 13 2005

Meeting time:

08:00 AM Pacific time

Agenda Items 1) Approve and publish previous minutes from Sept 29 and Vienna meeting. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Officer Reports President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Old Business 1) (Paul) Introduce Geoff and Dan at SFLC regarding our registered agent or Delaware. (Finished by Joel.) 2) (Geoff) Track down status in Delaware. (Finished.) 3) (Mark) Check status on current board insurance. 4) (Joel) Introduce Mark to non-profit specialists. (Finished by Joel, communicated to Geoff.) 5) (Alan) Ask Toby about doing the PF books and taxes. (In-progress.) 6) (Alex) Provide an update on what countries are covered on trademark. (Handled, email sent to board list with update.) 7) (Alex) Get Stefan to cut 2.1.1 in 10 days. (Handled.) 8) (Mark/Alan) Installers for 2.1.1. (Alan: In progress.) 9) (Paul) Ping marketing committee for site updates for 2.1 press release. (Finished by Alan.) 10) (Joel) Write letter for PayPal for donating to cover press release. (Finished, email sent.) 11) (Paul) Chair a small group for a proposal on how to structure the board and foundation. (In progress.) 12) (All) Email Paul if you are interested in the governance team. (Completed, team included Joel, Mark, Ben.) 13) (Paul) Followup w/ Marcel and Norm to say thanks. (Done). 14) (Mark) Let Godefroid know about membership cmt chair and walk him through the process. New Business 1) (Paul) Approve "PF member meeting minutes": 2) (Jodok) costs for 2.1 press-release in europe