Board agenda, 2005 Mar 17
Meeting time:
10:00 AM ESTAgenda Items 1) Approve and publish minutes from previous *two* meetings. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Fundraising Committee Old Business 1) (Limi) Re-send minutes for previous meeting. 2) (Joel) Approve Alan's invoice for gifts. 3) (Joel/Paul) Send PN/LW expenses. 4) (Alex/Paul) Send to board final Trademark Usage policy for a vote on next meeting's agenda. 5) (Paul) Need to vote on who is legal counsel. Put on next agenda. 6) (Mark) Send notes from the fundraising committee meeting and details on the proposal for PayPal on for fundraising targets. 7) (Marcel) Make sure permanent call-in numbers are available for next call. 8) (Paul) Put "approve previous minutes" on next agenda. New Business 1) (Joel/Alan) Vote on official PF legal counsel.