Board agenda, 2005 Feb 17
Meeting time:
10:00 AM ESTAgenda Items 1) Approve and publish
minutes from previous meeting. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Fundraising Committee Old Business 1) (Paul) Finalize bylaw changes and vote on new bylaws. 2) (Joel) Plone Conference 2005. 3) (Joel) Brief on Porter Novelli meeting plans for Plone marketing. 4) (Joel) Travel expenses for Paul to Porter Novelli/Linux World meeting. 5) (Joel) Conservancy. We're at a point where we need to provide Paul and Alan with some input about how we can move forward. New Business 1) (Paul) Update on PloneCon 2005 proposals and process. 2) (Jodok and Paul) Pay for the transfer of domain. 3) (Paul) vs. The latter has never received a mail message. The former is pretty moribund. Can we at least combine them? 4) (Paul) Review the effectiveness of committees. Should we close committees that aren't functioning well? Why aren't committees working well? What can be done to improve them?