Board agenda for 2005 Jan 6
Meeting time:
10:00 AM ESTAgenda Items 1) Approve and publish
minutes from previous meeting. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Fundraising Committee Old Business 1) Mark will get names up this week on membership. 2) Alan will post proposal to IP committee for not doing printouts. 3) Paul will send mails on two issues to IP committee. 4) Limi will mail Paul the contact info for pinging LinuxWorld. 5) Limi will get some numbers for Freenode. 6) Jodok will ping Justin and Kapil about Subversion timeouts. 7) Paul will update the board page w/ correct date/time. New Business 1) Approve "updated bylaws":/foundation/materials/Plone_Bylaws20040811.pdf .