Board agenda for 2004 Dec 16
Meeting time:
10:30 AM ESTAgenda Items 1) Approve and publish
minutes from previous meeting. 2) Approve agenda. 3) Officer reports. 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Committee Reports Membership Committee IP Committee Trademark Committee Marketing Committee Fundraising Committee Old Business 1) Alan to provide Mark a mailing list for fund raising. 2) Paul will provide to Ron some scenarios for grantback. New Business 1) (Limi) wants us to choose a person that can be the main contact from the Plone Foundation for them. I have volunteered so far, but want to bring it up for a vote. Should probably be the same person that answers the phone (Geoff?). 2) (Limi) In addition, I think Plone Foundation should become supporting members of Freenode - IRC is incredibly important for our community, and we should support those providing the infrastructure. 3) (Robert) I got the videotapes with nearly 60 hours from the conference. For the production of them (costs for tapes and man work) I was charged about 1.700,- Euros from the Video Company. BlueDynamics payed that so far and sent the tapes with a courier to David Sapiro from Pilotsystems (This was defined between Alan and David). He will convert the digital video stuff to a usable and downloadable format. Since this is a marketing effect for Plone itself and not for BD in special, want to discuss wether this amount can be refunded by the Foundation. 4) (Paul) We need stats on contributors. Wait for PloneForge or make a new PloneForge-like project?