Country-specific Domain Policy

Official Foundation policy for registering country-specific Plone domain names, e.g.,, etc.

The Foundation is, in general, happy to see "country-specific" Plone sites (eg.

These domain names can be registered by companies/groups/individuals as a special exemption to our trademark regulations, if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The domain must be discussed in advance with the Foundation and receive the approval of the Foundation board.
  2. The domain must be used for sites about Plone (it may also include general information about web design, CSS/HTML, Zope, Python, and related technologies in our stack).
  3. The domain must be essentially noncommercial. It must not be a "company" site, or be used to drive sales traffic to one company or a group of companies. Of course, the company/group/individual registering the domain is putting a good deal of work (and possibly money) into the venture, and may give themselves appropriate credit. Examples of appropriate credit would be:
    1. Link in the footer of pages to a company site
    2. Company logo in the footer
    3. "Thanks" or "credit" page with links and company logos

Examples of inappropriate credit examples include (but are not limited to):

  • A "contact us" form that goes to a company or group of companies for mining for clients
  • A list of "preferred", "official", or "premier" firms doing Plone work in that country, unless that list is open to *all* countries doing Plone work. (Instead, in general, we'd prefer a pointer to

Nothing in this policy grants permanent exemption to the use of the Plone domain name.

In the future, the Foundation reserves the right to modify our policies regarding use of "country-specific" Plone domains.