
There will be one day with two track of tutorials on March 8th 2006

March 8, 2006 — 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM **Track 1**

start topic
9AM **Multimedia and Podcasting with Plone** *Nate Aune* Build a multimedia content distribution system using Plone. This tutorial will walk you through the whole process of authoring, uploading and distributing your multimedia content using Plone. Publish podcasts, vodcasts, photocasts and screencasts in 3 easy steps.
1PM **Make Plone Go Fast** *Geoff Davis* This tutorial will cover ways to dramatically speed up your Plone site. We will take in-depth look at the caching machinery that keeps plone.org responsive under heavy loads. We will cover HTTP- related caching basics, an overview of Zope caching tools, Squid configuration, integrating all of the above.

**Track 2**

start topic
9AM **Best Practices: Plone Development** *Joel Burton* This tutorial covers the techniques you need to become a professional web site developer: building Plone site using filesystem development, using version control with Plone, debugging, writing test cases, and more. Case studies of real site development will be covered.
1PM **Nonprofits, Plone and Repeatable Success** *Jon Stahl* One Northwest is a successful NGO Plone solution provider. The NGO consulting space has unique characterics and limited budgets. The focus of this talks explains the challenges of working with NGOs, frequent problems and proven solutions, and a wrap up analysis of what Plone is lacking to dominate the NGO space.