Conference Session

Feed the Masses

By: Paul Bugni

About Paul Bugni

Paul Bugni is a software developer at the University of Washington, with several years of Zope and Plone experience. As a contributing member of the Seattle-Plone and UW-Plone user groups, Paul also delivered a talk at the 2007 Plone conference and participates in a number of open source projects including Vice.


This talk will introduce the audience to Vice a cutting-edge solution to all outbound syndication needs for Plone 3.1+, providing RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom feed formats for all built in content types.

About the session

We'll take a tour of the built in features, including recursive feeds and multiple feed types. The audience will be provided with an overview of how the Zope 3 component architecture makes Vice a flexible replacement for existing syndication products, and shown how users can easily feed their own custom types.

Vice was born at the BBQ Sprint in March of 2007, and a Google Summer of Code project that same year. Despite the lack of a final release to date (which we hope will no longer be the case by the conference date), the code base is stable, with good test coverage and is being used in production. PLIP #192 discusses the inclusion of Vice in the core of Plone 4.

This is a Talk (45 min)