Classic UI Team
The Classic UI Team is responsible for discussing and organizing feature development for the Classic UI frontend, the user interface available since the first Plone release.
Plone Classic UI Demo website:
The Classic UI Team is the complement of the Volto Team, which is responsible for the the Volto frontend of the Plone 6 CMS.
Meetings and process
- The Classic UI Team meets regularly to discuss features, improvements, PLIPs and issues concerning the the server side rendered HTML frontend that has been part of Plone since its creation. These can be UI/UX related, backend, or functional.
- The PLIPS and issues are managed through the Classic UI Team Project Board on GitHub.
- The meeting minutes are published at team minutes category of
- The team members are the contact point for anybody in and outside the Plone Community who is interested in using the Classic UI.
Team members
- Philip Bauer
- Jan Buruck
- Gil Forcada Codinachs
- Maik Derstappen
- Fred van Dijk
- Jens Klein
- Peter Mathis
- Johannes Raggam
- Maurits van Rees
- Steve Piercy
Team Lead: Maik Derstappen, deputy/support: Fred van Dijk
Membership is open. To become a member of the Classic UI Team, contact one of the current members for more information.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 13:30-14:30 CET (Central European Time) on the Plone Discord server in the "classic-ui" voice channel.
Discussion and coordination takes place in the 'classic-ui' text channel and the Community Forum Development > Classic UI category.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes are created in and published afterwards.
Minutes were posted publicly, both on this website, the Community Forum, and in a GitHub repository classic-ui-team.