Admin and Infrastructure Team

Manage servers, software and online services in support of the Plone community.


The AI-team does the Administration of Infrastructure for the Plone Foundation to support the  Plone Community.

We manage access and uptime of services like the different websites, DNS registration, e-mail services, uptime monitoring, GitHub account/group management, the CI-CD Jenkins setup, and the community discussion forum.

We also manage/configure external services like CloudFlare and the provisioning of our virtual servers at different cloud hosting provider and respond to security alerts/announcements when they concern any of the (non Plone) software the Plone Foundation uses on its servers. 

We use tools like configuration management (Ansible) and centralised password management.  Most of the Team members have a background or affinity with system administration and devops.

Active Team Members


Open issues at AI Team repository on Github

Email admins


The ai-team tries to have montly to quarterly meetings where we discuss new projects, but most of our activities are 'incident' or request driven when the servers and services operate smoothly.

When there are bigger issues/projects that need more planning, like a new service or a mahor upgrade/migration of a service, the AI-team can ask other experienced members in the Plone community and start a public discussion to community and rally community members to help.

Activities are coordinated through meetings, e-mail and tickets submitted

GitHub issue tracker

with a mention of @plone/ai-team.

How to Join / Team Membership process

Please send an email to admins <at> and tell us a bit more about yourself, what your experience is and how you can help the sysadmin team of the Plone Community.

Profile of an AI-team member:

  • Commitment to the Plone project
  • Affinity with system administration
  • Handle the complex systems that comprise the Plone websites/services and development environment like GitHub en other SAAS services
  • Communicative skills to handle with internal (community) and external (service provider) requests
  • Completed and signed the core contributor agreement. This gives access to push to the Plone repository and provides protection against intellectual property ownership issues
  • Approx. 1-4 hours a week available to look after our infrastructure/software, depending on your knowledge, skills and available time

When you recognise yourself the above profile, please contact one of us and we can schedule a chat and/or ask you to join an AI-team meeting. Then you can see and hear for yourself what we are working on and it hopefully spikes your interest. If next you want to join the team, we can agree to an introduction period where you can become active in the team, but not get full responsability and access right away for all services we manage, so you can 'test' your membership for 3-6 months before you decide to stay with us. :-) .

We're happy with every help we can get, but please note it's not a strict requirement to be a member of the AI-team to contribute in general to the Plone Community infrastructure. For for example our CI/CD Setup, or the current upgrade project. For many of these community projects and services the AI-team takes care of required access/permisions and is the 'backup' for account management, incidents, security issues, initial setup of servers, and config, roles/permissions etc.

There's not an official member limit on the AI-team that needs to be strictly enforced. We need enough people 'on watch' so that at least someone has time to respond and look into issues/incident/security issues that come in.