Minutes for March 6, 2014

CMS Day France; World Plone Day; Google Summer of Code; Europython; Membership Committee;

Paul called us to order at 20:05 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Steve McMahon, Érico Andrei, Cris Ewing, Andy Leeb, Alexander Loechel
Absent: Tom (Spanky) Kapanka

Approval of the minutes of Feb 20, 2014

Érico moved approval
Alex seconded
Unanimously approved with Cris abstaining

+ check if action items were followed up

  • We’ve received $5,000 from Brasília for conference.

  • plone.pro is now transferring to plone.org

  • We’re spending less than our allocations for StroopWafel and Cathedral.

  • plone.com progress made progress at sprint, mostly reimplementing work already done, but never commited to a plone repository, still need to bring site up.

  • plone.org is making good progress; expect to make progress in Munich.

Incoming correspondence

CMS Day France, a significant event in France. Contact is being made to multiple Fr companies. Paul recommended allocating 500 Euros to bootstrap this by paying registration.

Steve moved allocation of 500 Euros from marketing budget to bootstrap CMS Day France Plone presence
Cris seconded
Unanimously approved

Gilbane, do we want to do it as a foundation again?
Consensus: no interest

New Business 

World Plone Day 2014

Date set for 30 April
Some countries may shift by a day due to holidays

Google Summer of Code

We have been accepted; lots of interests on mailing lists. Thanks to Matthew Wilkes for continuing work on this.


Alexander reported that if there is the will, we can do an information table. EuroPython accepts foundations as sponsors, than provides them with a table. There are some volunteers to staff it. This would be a good occasion to reimplement the brochure for current Plone.
Sponsorship cost is not yet clear. Between $1-3,000.

Paul wants to make sure this is more than for a leaflet in the bag or a help desk. Guerrilla marketing and poster session worked better.

Alex will check on costs for sponsorship and what it offers. He’ll work out a concrete proposal. Paul will work on the poster session.

Andy will get in touch with Armin to check on possibilities on brochure update.

Questions about Membership Applications

We’ve received an enquiry as to what is going on with the membership committee. We have 11 applications in need of review.

Paul suggested we reappoint last year’s committee and ask Steve to co-chair. Steve is a past chair of that committee. Spanky would remain chair.

Cris moved to reappoint last year’s committee plus Steve as vice-chair with a charge to quickly clear the backlog.
Paul seconded
Unanimously approved

Membership Committee
Tom Kapanka, Chair
Steve McMahon, Vice Chair
Matthew Wilkes
Chris Calloway
Godefroid Chapelle
Maurizio Delmonte
Clayton Parker
Jon Stahl
Héctor Velarde
Nejc Zupan

Alex noted that we also have some excellent candidates that we’ve had trouble convincing to apply. We’ll work on them.

Old Business

Idealware advert

Cris reported that some of our vendors, particularly Sally and Nate from Jazzkarta have rounded up a group to place and advertisement. Done! Thanks to Sally Kleinfeldt and Nate Aune of Jazzkarta. Thanks also to Netsight, Abstract, CMS Communications, Inc and Simples Consultoria.

Budget 2014

Paul has completed refining the budget documents and turned them into PDFs
Cris moved we go ahead and publish on Plone.org
Andy seconded
Unanimously approved

Steve will get the PDFs into the right spot on plone.org

plone.com/plone.org deployment

Already discussed; several workers on this will be in Munich

CMS Garden follow-up

Maik Derstappen will be our official rep for CMS Garden organizing; the agreement to be a part of this is done. The organizing for this is looking excellent.
In-kind sponsorships
Brief executive session; no action.

Advisory/ambassador board

We’ve made some progress on contacts and bios

Review ongoing

Paul noted that he’s heard from a couple of people that Jen is really doing a great job with reimbursements and such. Thanks!

We’ll probably have a critical mass for a serious installer sprint. This will probably have a strategic sprint status.

Alex expects to miss the next meeting.

Adjourned at 21:40 UTC