Minutes for June 13, 2013

GSOC Students/Projects; Eric Rozeboom to head marketing team; PSM13 report out

Érico called to order at 20:15 UTC; Paul joined us a few minutes into the meeting



Attending: Érico, Matthew, Matt, Steve, Carol, Liz, Paul

Approval of the minutes of May 30

Carol Moved, Liz seconded
Unanimously approved

+ check if action items were followed up

Possible trademark infringement; Matt is following up; nothing back from lawyers

New Business

Incoming correspondence:

  • Funding request:

    Incomplete request from Nigeria

    Érico moved we deny, Paul seconded

    Motion to deny passed unanimously

  • Bastille Day Sprint

    Request for 3,000 USD for a sprint to focus on plone.app.toolbar and marketing.

    Érico noted that we need a recommendation from one or more teams.

    Paul noted the event is close. Noted that several excellent people have signed on.

    General discussion was in favor pending response from a team.

    (Carol noted her Six Feet Up employment as an interest to be noted.)

    Carol will follow up to get us a team review.

    In the course of the discussion, we noted organizing is under way for a security team sprint.

    Érico noted that he wants to translate a document on security team procedures.

Report-out from PSM13

Those who attended reported a fantastic conference, with lots of good discussions. Noted that as many as 20 were involved in the Marketing part of the sprint, which was very open and participatory.
Communications is also very active. Rose Pruyne is going to handle news coordination.
Jason Lantz has started work on fundraising mechanisms for Plone Foundation.
Jason suggested applying for a non-profit salesforce license to track information.
Steve raised a concern that Salesforce is a big commitment (organizationally) and we should make sure we have multiple people getting expertise. Also make sure marketing is on-board for this.
Paul noted that it might be beneficial to have multiple backends for this data.

Liz asked for approval to apply for Salesforce and stripe accounts
Steve seconded
Unanimously approved

Board agreed to regularly review progress on development of marketing database.

Liz noted that we already have some data to serve as a start point for this.

Paul will send a note with our great thanks to Kim Nguyen and the PSM crew.

Google Summer of Code


 Kalupson reported (via email) that we have three accepted students/projects:

  • Matej Comen will be working on a Heads Up Display for Plone and mentored by Matthew Wilkes.

  • Vivek Kumar Verma will be working on a Restructured Text parser for the Robot Framework and Plone and is being mentored by

    Asko Soukka.

  • Svilen Dobrev will be working on a REST API for Plone. Martin Aspelli and myself are partnering in mentoring him. Martin will provide the technical leadership for this project and I will help with the social aspects such as status reporting/committing code/irc/etc.

Welcome to all! And thanks to Kevin and our mentors.

Matthew noted that Kevin could use help managing some of this. Remaining foundation chores are: connecting students and mentors; make sure projects are happening with regular meetings between students and mentors; keeping up with a handful of deadlines.
Possible helpers discussed. We came up with some names to contact. Matthew will follow up.

Old Business

Marketing, plone.com & progress

Marketing: Eric Rozeboom has volunteered to serve as chair of the marketing/communications team.

Matt moved to appoint Gabrielle Hendryx-Parker and Eric Rozeboom to Marketing Committee

Érico seconded
Unanimously approved

We'll ask whether or not Gabrielle is available. If she is Carol will step down from Marketing Committee.

Plone.com: Eric Rozeboom has agreed to project-manage the effort to get the first iteration of plone.com online promptly.
Work continues on stories. Eric is coordinating with Armin. Marketing strategy is moving to an open approach, which should be more compatible with our community values.

Licensing issues with other libraries under GPLv3

Matthew is following up


Carol reported that Six Feet Up is volunteering QA time for some upcoming P5 features.

FourDigits new office opening party will be June 21st, also Paul's birthday!

Adjourned at 21:35 UTC