Minutes for August 8, 2013

Sponsorship acknowledgement policy; New PF Members

Paul called us to order at 20:04 UTC



Attending: Carol Ganz, Paul Roeland, Steve McMahon, Érico Andrei, Liz Leddy
Absent: Matthew (excused), Matt Hamilton joined at 20:17

Approval of the minutes of July 25

Érico moved approval, Liz seconded
Unanimously approved with Carol abstaining (missed much of meeting due to poor connection)

+ check if action items were followed up

Paul is working on Plone JP sponsorship
Steve is in touch with Gabrielle at Six Feet Up about hosting contract

New Business

Funding requests

  • BlueDynamics Alliance requested funding for a community sprint/meetup

    Steve moved we fund at $300 community sprint level

    Carol seconded

    Unanimously approved

    Carol will contact

    Carol will note that we don't fund alcohol. This is food funding.

  • Matthew Wilkes contacted to ask for $400 more for Security Sprint for airfare.

    Carol noted an interest because of Clayton's participation

    Paul noted he'll be attending parts of the sprint

    We'd funded this at $1,500 before, noting we could give more if necessary.

    Steve moved to approve the $400 of requested additional funding

    Carol seconded

    Unanimously approved.

Sponsorship policy

We've begun to get some sponsorships and to show them on the homepage. The question of who should be allowed and what we should allow for display.

Steve noted that we have an unrelated income issue if the acknowledgements appear to be advertising and they constitute much of our income.

Steve moved that sponsorship acknowledgement be in the form of "promotional logos or slogans that are an established part of the sponsor's identity" and links that meet IRS guidelines for sponsorship acknowledgement.
Carol seconded.
Unanimously approved

Steve will update existing guidelines.

Old Business

Marketing, plone.com and progress

Paul reported that Eric R. plans a preview of plone.com by end of week.

Planning: Plone Conference 2014 timeline

Érico will work on getting the solicitation ready to go.

Planning: Election Timelines

Steve and Paul will take responsibility for getting this done.

Érico suggested having an open hangout with the board to encourage interest. Agreed this is a great idea.


(added to agenda after getting an email from Matthew)
The membership committee has forwarded a set of recommendations.

Following the recommendations of the membership committee, we unanimously agreed to approve the following member applications (the mover/seconder is recorded with each):

  • JC Brand; Érico/Liz

  • Martin Opstad Reistadbakk

    ; Liz/Érico

  • Asko Soukka

    ; Carol/Paul

  • Florian Friesdorf

    ; Liz/Érico

  • Alexandru Ghica

    ; Érico/Paul

Steve will notify new members

Review of ongoing items

6FU Sponsorship: Steve is working with Gabrielle Hendrix Parker

Licensing issues with other libraries under GPLv2
A bit of discussion of whether or not we might be willing to license our JS under something other than the GPL. General discussion favorable.

We'll correspond with the membership list, asking for input, then take this up.
Steve will send that note.

CC relicensing
Paul is continuing to work on this. He's received some contradictory advice, but it still seems feasible.

Possible trademark infringements
Matt reported continuing discussion with the lawyers about some similar logos. Will review after getting some additional advice from counsel.

Adjourned at 21:11 UTC