Annual Meeting Minutes, 2011

Minutes of the 2011 Plone Foundation Annual Meeting, held November 4, 2011

Plone Foundation Annual Membership Meeting

Held November 4, 2011 4:15pm, San Francisco, California, USA

Present: Calvin, Matt, Geir, Alex, Mark, Steve, Jon

Calvin called the meeting to order at 4:15pm

Financial report (Jon)

Jon provided a brief summary of the Foundation's current financial position.  $215k cash in the bank, about $36k spent so far this year.

Membership report (Jon)

116 active members, 56 emeritus members, 8 new members this term.

Board activity this year (Matt)

Matt provided a brief overview of board activities this year.  Written details forthcoming in an annual report.

New Business

Calvin called for any new business.


Jon moved that we approve payment of USD$6000 to purchase
Mark seconded
Approved unanimously by the membership

Matthew Wilkes moved that there be a policy that the board will produce a written annual report each year, as it did last year.  
Steve McMahon seconded
Approved unanimously.

Jon volunteered to handle the report for the term just finished.

Informal Q&A

Board Election Results

Alec Mitchell and Tom Lazar announced the results of the 2011-2012 board election:

Our new board members are:
Carol Ganz
Matt Hamilton
Geir Bækholt
Sjoerd van Elferen
Paul Roeland
Érico Andrei
Maurizio Delmonte

Calvin moved to adjourn at 5:15pm
Unanimously acclaimed.