Guy Heckman: 3 years later: Plone@Smeal

A talk at Plone Symposium East 2009. Track B, 4pm, May 28.

link to video

Smeal migrated its first site to Plone 2.0.5 in the Summer of 2006 - since then, we have migrated and created 10 production sites that combined receive on average over 100k visitors a month. I will talk about the challenges encountered and lessons learned through site migrations, hardware conversions, Plone upgrades, and redesigns. I will also be discussing where we stand today and our strategy for moving forward with special focus on administrative & maintenance functions and policies.

There will be a follow-up Birds of a Feather session to exchange ideas, approaches, and tips for maintaining a large Plone environment.

See Also: Symposium Talks | Main symposium page | Training | Sprints | Birds of a Feather