Essential Plone 5 Add-ons: 2018

Plone add-ons that you really should know about

This list of add-ons was developed at the 2018 Plone Conference in Tokyo. All attendees (a combination of integrators, developers, and site owners) nominated their "top 5 most essential Plone add-ons" considering both utility and code quality. The add-ons had to be Plone 5 compatible and available on Pypi. The nominations were then compiled into voting sheets which were posted at the conference. Attendees then voted for their top 5 add-ons by placing stickers on the voting sheets.

Here are the results of the voting.

1. collective.ifttt - Make use of IFTTT webhooks with Plone

2. eea.facetednavigation - EEA Faceted Navigation

3. collective.easyform - Forms for Plone

4. collective.documentviewer - Document cloud's document viewer integration into Plone

5. (tie) - Tile-based site builder and site layout

5. (tie) Products.PloneFormGen - A through-the-web form generator for Plone

6. plone.restapi - RESTful hypermedia API for Plone

7. (tie) collective.taxonomy - Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone

7. (tie) pas.plugins.authomatic - Provides OAuth2/OpenID login for Plone using Authomatic

8. - Allows you to select the cropping area manually for each available image scale using the cropper Javascript library

9. (tie) collective.ambidexterity - Through-the-web editing of views, defaults, validators and vocabularies for Dexterity content types

9. (tie) collective.collectionfilter - Faceted navigation filter for collection results

10. (tie) collective.documentgenerator - Desktop document generation (.odt, .pdf, .doc, ...) based on appy framework and OpenOffice/LibreOffice

10. (tie) collective.cover - A sane, working, editor-friendly way of creating front pages and other composite pages

10. (tie) collective.eeafaceted.dashboard - This package is the glue between different packages offering a usable and integrated dashboard application

10. (tie) pas.plugins.ldap - LDAP/AD Plugin for Plone/Zope PluggableAuthService (users+groups)

11. (tie) - HTML5 audio and video integration with Plone

11. (tie) collective.autoscaling - Automatic scaling of too large images in Plone sites

11. (tie) Products.PloneKeywordManager - Change, merge and delete keywords and update all corresponding objects automatically

11. (tie) collective.elasticsearch - elasticsearch integration with Plone

11. (tie) dexterity.membrane - Dexterity content and behaviors to integrate with membrane

11. (tie) rapido.plone - Rapido for Plone

12. (tie) collective.lineage - Microsite creation for Plone

12. (tie) collective.lazysizes - Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone

12. (tie) collective.impersonate - Allow administrator to impersonate another user, for debugging purposes

12. (tie) collective.tiles.collection - A tile that shows a set of collection results with a customizable layout

12. (tie) eea.async.manager - zc.async queue manager

12. (tie) - An alternative method for handling and showing tiles

13. (tie) collective.portlet.carousel - Carousel for collective.panels

13. (tie) - Referenceable Dexterity type behavior

14. (tie) collective.behavior.banner - Create banners and sliders from banners

14. (tie) collective.disqus - Integration of Disqus comments platform API into Plone

14. (tie) collective.roster - Personnel roster

14. (tie) collective.editablemenu - A customizable dropdown menu

14. (tie) collective.fontawesome - Font Awesome for Plone

14. (tie) collective.js.datatables - Plone Integration of jquery.dataTables plugin

14. (tie) collective.mailchimp - MailChimp integration for Plone

14. (tie) collective.multitheme - A (Multi) Theme for Plone 5

14. (tie) - Tiles for page composition

14. (tie) Products.AutoUserMakerPASPlugin - Automatically create PAS users when authentication in Plone

14. (tie) Products.membrane - Content-based users and groups for Plone

14. (tie) Products.Poi - A friendly issue tracker built in Plone